CBD suppositories have infused cannabis oil in the carrier oil. These are made up
of 100% natural ingredients. CBD suppositories are the size of the pill and
designed in a way (oval shape or cone) to insert directly into the rectum or vagina
where suppositories melt by body temperature and show systemic effect by
absorption. CBD suppositories are the best source of organic CBD extract daily. It
also contains cocoa butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar as an
additional option. Suppositories are the best option for those who cannot take
medicines orally. For example, Glycerin suppository is used to treat constipation.
Types of Suppositories
Rectal Suppositories
Anal suppositories getting famous daily because of their pain releasing effect. It
can be taken at home easily wash hands and lie in a position straighten the lower
leg and bent upper leg into the stomach and lift buttock. Then carefully insert the
suppository into the rectum and rest for some time before moving to prevent
slippage. These suppositories relieve the pain of digestive issues, anal fissures,
sciatica, hemorrhoid inflammation, post-operative pain, constipation, and lower
back pain. Anal suppositories act as a lubricant during anal intercourse to reduce
Vaginal Suppositories
Vaginal suppositories are famous because it reduces cramps during periods, pelvic
discomfort, abdominal pain, endometriosis, vaginal dryness, post-coital pain,
intercourse pain, and for sexual enhancement and relaxation. It can also be easily
a person should wash his hand and carefully insert suppository pointed end into
vagina rest for some minutes before movement.
Urethral Suppositories
This type of suppository used to treat erectile dysfunctions, and male sexual
problems. The suppositories must be soaked in warm water before use. It should
be taken when the stomach is empty. After its absorption rest for 1 hour before
the activity.
Benefits of CBD Suppositories
CBD suppository is Non-GMO
It does not contain an amount of THC.
It contains 100% organic hemp.
It has a localized, non-psychotropic, and powerful effect on the body.
It does not contain gluten so these suppositories are vegan friendly.
CBD Suppositories Boxes
CBD suppositories are available in many different packaging in the market. It
develops competitions among the brands. Many companies work on the
packaging of CBD boxes to make the product unique. These packaging companies
hire experts for suppository box manufacture. They designed the box according to
needs and requirements using the best quality of cardboard materials.
Types of CBD Suppository Boxes
CBD Suppositories Boxes with Logo
A logo is a key tool for the advertisement of the company. Beautifully designed
logos are made on the CBD suppository boxes. Timeline tags are also printed on
the boxes. It illustrates the idea behind the product. UV spots are used to give
shiny look to the logo that attracts attention. Matte and gloss lamination is done
on the boxes.
CBD Suppositories Boxes with Glowing Coating
Glowing coatings on the suppository boxes are very essential for a gleaming look.
A variety of coatings are done on cream boxes. These coatings are made up of
high-quality materials, and inks. Gloss finishing, spot UV, gold and silver finishing,
and matte finishing can be done on CBD boxes. The box has enough space on it
where the description of the product can be written easily. So, a person read the
description and buy the suppository product.
Suppositories Box with Customized Windows
A die-cut window on the boxes is demanding. It is the best option that attracts the
buyer to the product. When customers see the glance at the product they trusted
the brand and quality of the suppository inside. It increases the product's
promotion and adds novelty to its display. Gloss and matte lamination and
embossing with gold and silver foiling done on it.
Auto-lock Bottom CBD Suppositories Box
Auto-lock suppository boxes are available in beautiful designs. The addition of
locking and folding flaps to the suppository boxes gives extra strength to it. The
box makes it possible that the product does not fall when holding in hand. This
box is designed in a way to represent the CBD suppositories on the shelf of
medical stores. Auto-lock boxes designed in 4 dimensions with catchy theme
display. It attracts the customer toward it. The detail of the product is also written
on the box.
CBD Suppositories Gable Boxes
Gable boxes are available with the handle in the market to carry suppository
easily. These boxes were easily open and close. Gable suppository boxes are
available in different attractive colors, sizes, and shapes. Gable boxes are cool
options that differentiate the box from other standard and square boxes. Its
creative look gives a decent look when placed on a shelf.
Hang Tab Suppositories Box
CBD suppositories are also available in hang tab packaging in the market. Hang
tab suppositories boxes design in a way to assure the safety of delicate
suppository inside. These hang tab boxes are available with hanging elements like
euro hook, round or triangular slots. These boxes easily hang on the pointed nail
and seek the attention of customers from the distance. These boxes are
beautifully designed to create competition in the market. Matte and gloss
lamination along with foiling, embossing done on it.
Tuck Flap CBD Suppositories Boxes
Tuck flap suppositories box is the most commonly used folding cardboard format.
These boxes are made up of good quality cardboard and corrugated materials.
The product is easily placed in the tuck flap boxes. The upper flap is tensioned
between the front wall and dusts the flaps of the folding box. Heat stamping,
digital printing, label stickers, and logos are made on tuck flap hand cream boxes.
These are available in all sizes, colors, and shapes. Gloss and matte lamination
along with gold/silver foiling done on it.
The pelvic region of the body in region contains more blood vessels than other
regions of the body. So, it is the best region to absorb the useful cannabinoids by
insertion directly into the bloodstream. For this purpose, CBD suppositories gain
the attention of the people because they instantly relieve the pain by insertion
method and it is more effective than oral ingestion. These suppositories are
available in different packaging in the market. All suppositories are made up of
the same ingredients and have the same effect but beautiful packaging makes the
brand unique. A beautiful representation of the CBD suppository box catches the
attention of people.